IMPACTOUR Newsletter No. 4 December 2021

Featuring events, project results and further opportunties to connect with the IMPACTOUR Team. 

This edition includes feedback from the Regional and Global World Cafés held in the second half of 2021, involving the project team and Pilot Destinations. 


  1. IMPACTOUR Regional and Global World Cafés
    Regional World Cafés. Hybrid Events, Summer 2021
    Global World Café – November 2021, Matera, Italy
  2. Exploring the Key Success Factors for Managing Cultural Tourism Destinations
  3. Project Outputs Available for Downloading
  4. New IMPACTOUR Pilot Sites
    Introducing Palmi, Calabria, Italy IMPACTOUR Pilot Site
  5. IMPACTOUR Partner Profile:
    Cyprus University of Technology and UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH)
  6. Join the IMPACTOUR Community “Smart Cultural Tourism Destinations” Group on LinkedIn
  7. IMPACTOUR Brochures
  8. IMPACTOUR – Partners