Lagoa das Furnas

Lagoa das Furnas is located in the parish of Furnas, in the municipality of Povoação, São Miguel Island, with 6.327 inhabitants on the municipality. Its abundant vegetation and flowery landscapes attract tourists from every part of the world, both for its beauty and for the peace of mind it conveys. Lagoa das Furnas is surrounded by intense volcanic manifestations, where the most famous gastronomic tradition of the island comes from, the traditional Cozido das Furnas, which is composed of assorted meats and vegetables cooked in a pan that is placed in the existing holes in the area of the fumaroles and underground.
It is also possible to carry out various activities in Lagoa das Furnas, such as trails, canoeing, paddling, and cycling on the banks of the lagoon, among others. As tourist attractions, tourists also visit the Nossa Senhora das Vitórias Church, very famous for its architecture. 



Contact details:

Contact person for the Impactour Project: Pedro Melo


Address: Rua Lagoa das Furnas (margem sul da Lagoa), 9675-090 Furnas

Open Street Map/GPS location: 37.7567,-25.3339



Information for tourists

Lagoa das Furnas – Povoação, Ilha de São Miguel

Key information

Number of inhabitants: 6.237
Area: Natural 
Number of tourism enterprises: 22


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